Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Plastic Bags

I just received a link from another member of Co-op America that I felt should be shared with all of you. It’s about the damage that our usage of plastic has wrought.

I know; we have all been hearing about the evils of plastic bags and plastic in general ad nauseam. However, plastic bags have such an adverse impact on us and our environment that this message should be stated over and over again until we all take action. The time to reduce our usage of plastic bags is now. If everyone would at least cut back, it would make a huge difference. Please take a look at what this link has to show you. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand or a million or a billion words. Whatever it takes for each of us to reduce or eliminate our plastic bag usage.

Many of you know what needs to be done and are doing it, but many of you probably don’t even really think about it. After all, plastic bags and plastic wrap are so convenient to use and work so well, why change it? We can all have an impact on our environment for ourselves and for future generations. It is the choices we make now which determine whether or not that impact is negative or positive. I am hoping that after reading this and seeing the slideshow you will all opt for the positive. Use the scroll down bar on the right side of the screen to see all of the slides.

Here are a few hints to get you started on the road to change. As we have been seeing almost everywhere we go, most grocery stores now sell fabric bags to be used in place of plastic. They are just as handy as and certainly stronger than plastic. No more overloaded plastic bags stretching and breaking causing cans and bottles to roll all over. We can use waxed paper (preferably non-bleached) or cellulose bags to wrap sandwiches and other portable lunch or dinner items in. Store leftovers in the refrigerator in glass bowls, casserole dishes and canning jars. Many of these items come with lids that are airtight. But, if not, a double layer of waxed paper secured with a rubber band or placed under a non-airtight lid works well. One can also purchase elasticized covers for bowls. They are made of a heavy duty plastic, but they are washable and reusable. To store meats and other items in the freezer, freezer paper (butcher paper) works well. Use biodegradable bags for picking up dog waste. Please share any other hints you have with our readers. We can all learn from each other.

Remember that even one little change in your plastic bag usage can have a big impact. Never think that you cannot have an impact. We are all in this world together. Let’s all work together to make it a better and healthier place for all of its inhabitants.


Unknown said...

Please assess the even greater damage done by the manufacture of paper bags whose manufacture poisons rivers, destroys forests, and whose bacterial decomp in landfills releases large amounts of the 10X greenhouse gas methane. It is the paper manufacturers such as Wayerhouser who are behind the anti-plastic bag campaign. No defense for plastic bags but even less defense for paper bags not to mention they are completely undependable. De debbil be in de details...

Unknown said...

BTW: Happy Birthday! Mazel tov!