Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Recalcitrant Springtime

I have been looking forward to spring for quite sometime now. However, Mother Nature seems to have a different idea as to how quickly Spring will be arriving. Here in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, we have been having a rather strange mix of freezing cold frosty mornings and sunny but chilly afternoons. It has been too cold to do any work out in the garden, so I have been having fun formulating new products for all of you.

Some of the new items are now available on the Devorah Naturals website. One of my favorites is the lovely new Rosehip Facial Crème which is light and emollient. I think you will really like it and it's great for all skin types. Three new bar soaps are also available with lighter 'springy' type scents. They are Bergamot Sage Soap, a subtle flowery citrus with a warm, musky undertone, Orange Lemongrass Goat Milk Soap, a bright, sassy, mouth watering citrus and Lavender Marjoram Goat Milk Soap, a light herbaceous floral.

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